It happened on a windy day at my skool. I was wet and my teacher sait:
-Markus you fucking asshole get your shit together!
-Butt what happend?
-You are suspended for talking in class you filthy asshole!
I was veeery angry, at my crib the postman gave mi a video game called POKEMON : SHITTY BROWN.exe
-GB game with .exe?
I putted this game in console and turned it ON!
Game was Blood and scary, my poketrainer died in his home, prof.oak was fisting a Bulbasaur and me ,,, well,,, I WAS DEEAD.

= -DAFQ IS THIS SHIT! "i screamed" =

My pokemon gave me a pentagram with 666 on it. My first battle was with Zombieman ! He was naked and lacked penis. I screamed and killed gameboi with my katana. I never touched this fucking game ever.
Two days later Markus was found dead in his room with gb shoved up his asss.